Islington House & Garden Reader Event

We’ve got a busy month ahead here at Tom Howley with our Cambridge showroom launch coming up introducing our brand-new Kavanagh design, reader events, photoshoots and more. As always, we can’t wait to share them all with you.

At the end of last year, we launched our new Islington showroom with huge success, our guests got to explore our new Butler design as well as experiencing exciting cooking demonstrations, tastings and professional culinary advice from celebrated Chef Ben Tish. This month we get to welcome Ben back as we hold a kitchen design masterclass in partnership with House & Garden magazine.

As with all reader events we’re always excited to watch our fabulous chefs at work, and have the chance to listen to inspiring kitchen advice from our Design Director Tom Howley. These events are always a great opportunity to come with any questions, whether it be around interior trends, materials and finishes or kitchen design.

Last time we had an event with Ben he had just left the Salt Yard Group to start his new culinary adventures. We were delighted to hear that he is now Culinary Director at The Stafford Hotel in London, overseeing The Game Bird restaurant, the American Bar, Wine Cellars and in-room dining.

Along with all of this fabulous food there is also plans for him to open a new restaurant in Central London, serving a distinctive style of southern Mediterranean inspired dishes. As well as Ben’s recent role at The Stafford Hotel there is also more exciting projects on the cards, including a new cookbook that will be released in 2019.

What’s the inspiration behind your new book?

The inspiration for this new book comes from my love of North African flavours and years studying the food of southern Spain and Italy.

Are there any new restaurant openings we should know about in London?

The new restaurant by Bryn Williams at Somerset house is great. And it’s vegetarian.

What’s your favourite seasonal dish at the moment?

Anything with wild garlic and morels. I’ve just started a gnocchi with these at the Stafford London.

Look out for our upcoming events on our blog and social media channels. From our popular reader events, showroom launches and gourmet masterclasses there’s a wonderful day out or evening event for everyone.